Alerts feature allows you to get notified when the LTP(Last Traded Price),Average Trade Price or Volume of a scrip meets a condition decided by you.
The allowed conditions are:
- Greater than, equals to >=
- Equals to =
- Less than, equals to <=
This allows you to set a pre condition e.g. LTP of NIFTY is Greater than 20,000. If the LTP of Nifty index crosses 20,000 you will receive notification on your flow app. Similarly, you can set alerts for Average Trade Price and volume. Alerts can be set across segments, Equity, NSE F&O, currency and Commodity. This should help you spend less time tracking the market or prices and spend that time somewhere productive.
You can set a maximum of 20 alerts.
Alerts are valid for 30 days from the date alert is created
Let’s see how to use this feature:
Creating Alerts from Watchlist bottomsheet or Stock details screen
1. On the stock details screen, you can see a price alert icon in the top right corner. Tap on the Price alert icon
2. Add a name for the alert.
3. Select the property you want the alert for, allowed properties are :
Last Traded Price (LTP)
Average Trade Price
4. Next, Select the condition
Greater than, equals to >=
Equals to =
Less than, equals to <=
5. Next, enter the value in absolute or percentage terms
6. Next, You can add a note in the text box for your reference. This field is optional and can be left blank
7. Now tap on ‘Create Alert.’
8. The alert will be created successfully and you will receive a notification on the Flow app if the condition set by you is met.
How to view and set up Alerts from the app Tools screen:
1. Once you login into the Flow app, tap on the Tools icon on the bottom navigation bar. Tap on the “Alerts” icon.
2. To setup a new Alert, tap on ‘Create Alert’ .
3. Add a name for the alert
4. Select the property you the want the alert for, allowed properties are:
Last Traded Price (LTP)
Average Trade Price
5. Next, Select the condition
Greater than, equals to >=
Equals to =
Less than, equals to <=
6. Next, enter the value in absolute or percentage terms
7. Next, You can add a note in the text box for your reference. This field is optional and can be left blank
8. Now tap on ‘Create Alert.’
9. The alert will be created successfully and you will receive a notification on the Flow app if the condition set by you is met.
How to view and set up Alerts from the app Tools screen:
1. Once you login into the Flow app, tap on the Tools icon on the bottom navigation bar. Tap on the “Alerts” icon.
2. Here, you can view all the active and inactive alerts set by you across segments.
3. You can edit or delete alerts using the ‘Edit’ icon.
4. Once you tap the Edit icon, you can change the alert fields like property, condition, value & note.
5. Make the desired edit and tap ‘Save Edit’ to save the change.’ You can remove the alert using the ‘Delete’ button.
Note: You can create alerts from option chain as well.